Work and life in Korea
Welcome to the Korean Life Guide Page for Foreign Workers!
Glow, a comprehensive platform for foreign workers, provides accurate and timely integrated guides on working and living in Korea.
Glow, a comprehensive platform for foreign workers, provides accurate and timely integrated guides on working and living in Korea.
What medicines are available in Korea for headaches, colds, and digestion problems?
Learn about commonly available over-the-counter medications in Korea for headaches, colds, and digestive issues. This guide includes details on Tylenol (pain relief), Panpyrin (cold and fever relief), and Gaswhalmyungsu (digestive aid), with information on their uses and availability at pharmacies and convenience stores.
Which dental clinic to visit for tooth pain in Seoul and Gyeonggi Area?
Lists dental clinics in Seoul and Gyeonggi that cater to foreign residents, providing addresses, phone numbers, and supported languages to help non-Korean speakers access dental care.